20 April 2016

Someone Made My Quilt!

Well, I've finally got proof that I inspired someone! One of my favorite quilts was the Night Music in the Desert.

Desert Music
Quilt top hanging from my old Brooklyn fire escape. 
A few months ago I got an email from someone who had seen the quilt online, and wanted to make it for her granddaughter. I explained that I'd be happy to send my (extremely cryptic) notes along, but that I hadn't made a pattern and wasn't planning to in the near future. She accepted my notes, and using just them and my old blog/flickr pictures put the top together. 

Carolyn's front. 

Carolyn's back. 

I was so flattered to see that she kept my color scheme, but was able to make it her own with the color improv. And look at that back! It's way better than mine! I guess that's what happens when you create extra blocks to play around with! I think she did a fantastic job, considering all I had were sketches of the central block, measurements for the log cabin variations, but no yardage or mention of my sashing methods, or the flying geese! And her quilting is even similar to mine!

It just made my day to get this email and see that someone had done all this work inspired by a quilt I made and love. I like how this quilting community feeds off each other and can create beautiful works inspired by others. 

16 April 2016

2nd Quarter Finish Along Goals

I've been pretty quiet on the blog front lately. Though my last two posts were related to the FAL, so I figure that if I post a list perhaps it will get me motivated to write more!

Last quarter I was able to check one finish off my list, so I think that most of my goals will just carry over. I have made some progress though. I can't wait until summer when I can just sit and be creative and get some of these things done!

Lindsay Quilt Top
This quilt is basted, I just need to quilt, bind, and gift it!

Finish Along Goals
Crane Quilt for my sister. I want to finish it by July so I can hand deliver it!

Fat Quarter Shop Star Cakes Quilt
This quilt, which has a backing, but I need to get some batting!

And then the final project that I'm going to add as a reach: 

Floating Squares First Attempt
My improv quilt. This is just one section, I need to make many more. 

The list is totally do-able, with the exception of the improv quilt. I may need to buy fabric for that one, and it will eventually be hand quilted, so I imagine it won't be a speedy finish. 

We shall see, though!