23 June 2014

Handmade Quilt: First start, latest finish

For my first post I figure I'll share my first quilt. It's actually not my first finish, but it was the first quilt I started. About 2 years ago I decided that I wanted a creative outlet. I was really into riding my bike around NYC and ceramics. I love ceramics, but it's an expensive hobby, and it's one that requires studio space and a kiln (at least for me). I thought about learning how to make bikes, but realized that's not a practical hobby for a NYC apartment dweller (despite owning two bikes at the time). 

I'd been debating learning to quilt for quite some time, and decided to bite the bullet, so to speak. I did a quick google search and decided that a class at The City Quilter would be just what I needed to learn the trade. 

My first class was a hand quilting class. So, I learned how to draft blocks, draft templates, use templates to cut out fabric, hand sew, press, thread baste, and finally hand quilt a project. Not being one who's into minis, I figured I'd make a throw. For my first quilt. By hand. Good grief. 

First Block Sewn (Churn Dash)

I pieced the top fairly rapidly. 12 blocks down in 2 months. Not too shabby. The problem was, I didn't use any foresight in my fabric choice. This made me hem and haw for a while about sashing options. I kept looking at my block pictures (no design wall) which were on instagram. The different filters and borders inspired me to frame most of the blocks in black, and sash in white, creating my 'Instagram Sampler'. 

Pieced and Quilted! The top from my fire escape. 
So as to not make my boyfriend feel left out I often let him have some creative input into my craft. I've got very set opinions, which means he gets shot down a lot. I usually let him provide more input into the backs of quilts. For this one he picked out the elephants, the tickets (lower right), and the grouchy ladybug fabric (to represent me, according to him...), and the cows and pink elephants were scraps from other projects. The back of the quilt is the only part machine sewn, besides the binding. 
The back of the quilt. I am not the biggest fan of the brown elephants, but it all worked out in the end. 
So, that's my Instagram Sampler quilt. As for a little wind up about my goals with this documentation, I'll be peppering this blog with WiPs and finished projects. Most of them will be quilty in nature, as at this point I'm only capable of making quilts, pouches, and pillows. My posting will probably be sporadic, as my schedule doesn't allow for set amounts of sewing. My goal is one post a week, as I do like sharing, and I love positive feedback, so feel free to comment as you wish and continue stoking my ego :)

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