30 April 2014

Zipper Pillow: WiP Wednesday

One of my friends is having a birthday. In June. Or July. So, not anytime soon. I know she will turn another year older this summer though! We trade crafty things from time to time. I made her a paper pieced potholder last year. She commissioned a pillow from me one time, and gave me a small plate she made in her ceramics class. So, I figured I'd make her something for her birthday this year too.

Older project. Need to make one for myself...
One of my first attempts at paper piecing!
Pattern from Sewhooked. Bike is 6" square. 

I saw this paper pieced zipper a while ago on Sewing Under the Rainbow. My friend's last name is Zipper, so I thought, 'how appropriate'. I chose some bold colors, and used the black and white stripe to mimic zipper teeth. I'm fairly pleased with how it all came out. Not entirely convinced the scissors were the right choice, but I think I was influenced by the original design. They kind of make me think of a swarm of scissors attacking the zipper.

Destined to become a pillow for a friend whose last name is Zipper! Pattern from Sewing Under the Rainbow.
A zipper pillow for Zipper. 12" square. 

Since she loves music also (as does her boyfriend, who lives with her and will hopefully also be using this pillow), I figured I'll throw this cassette on the back somewhere. The pattern is also from Sewing Under the Rainbow, I saw it as I was scrolling through her tutorials. The band and album name were pulled together from a newspaper print. I was going to come up with a funny and witty name and hand stamp them, but liked the added creativity that came from utilizing my limited stash. Also, I couldn't come up with anything funny OR witty.

Paper Pieced Cassette
Collins and Cleaves #1 hit album: Skyrocket Society No. 147. Currently 6" by 9".

Next I've got to get each side up to size. They'll probably finish at 18" or 18.5" square, which is perfect for a 20" pillow form (I like it nice and fluffy). They're also going to be quilted...somehow...haven't decided on that yet, but since Friend's birthday isn't for several months, I've got time.

I just want to say: gotta love free patterns! Thank you so much to everyone who provides them! If I ever get good enough I'll be sure to add to the internet library. Someday...

Linking up to WiP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced!


  1. Great choices for pp pattern, well done :)

  2. Love the zipper pillow, so clever!

    1. Thank you! I was happy I figured out how to use my stash to my advantage with this pattern!

  3. Your paper piecing is beautiful and I like the whimsy of the scissors

    1. Thank you! They're growing on me... :)

  4. I love the bike! I must make that for one of my bike-loving family members... The zipper block is great! I'm sure your friend will be delighted with it.

    1. The bike was fun to make! You should definitely try it out! I got the pattern on Craftsy.

  5. really fun- I love your fabrics!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad they worked out together!


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