17 April 2014

Quilt for Panda

Lucky Stars
Quilt in the wild! 

This was the first quilt I completed for our household. I decided to make it for the boyfriend, and allowed him to choose most everything. He picked the star pattern, I decided to make it scrappy. He chose the purple solid, I picked a whole stack of low(ish) volumes for backgrounds and he whittled it down.

Lucky Stars!
Back of quilt in the wild!
He picked the backing and made some suggestions on shapes he liked (Pinwheels and Ninja Stars - as we call them).

Back panel detail I
Detail of back. He loved this Collage Print so I added that in. 
A close up of a couple blocks:

I made an applique block in my hand quilting class and never knew what to do with it. I don't particularly like the background orange, but as The Boyfriend had picked it out, I figured the best place for it was in his quilt!

Modified Sawtooth Star II
Love the Narwhals!
This block represents the main block in the quilt. Simple sawtooth stars, with flying geese and squares. I modified the flying geese specifically, making them a little 'short' so that I wouldn't have to worry about the star points meeting (just changed the ratio of the rectangles and squares slightly to make it work for me). As a novice quilter/perfectionist I hate losing my points, though it can't always be helped.

Modified Sawtooth Star I
I swear, the solid is dark purple!
The blocks are all 10 inches finished, and there's no sashing between them. I machine quilted it in straight lines about one inch apart. It finishes just under 80" square, because at the time I didn't care about a proper quarter-inch seam, so mine were a bit generous. Plus, of course, shrinking after washing. 

So, that was my first quilt for our household, and it lives happily on our bed. Until the sweltering NYC summer heat kicks in, of course. 


  1. This is gorgeous and you chose a great spot for the photo shoot!

    1. Thanks! It was my first outdoor quilt shoot - still trying to get over the stranger stares!


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