16 July 2014

Log Cabin Love Affair

When I first started quilting I took a hand quilting class, then a machine quilting class. Both involved learning to piece in the respective methods, and then a basic lesson on how to quilt. In each class we made samplers so we could learn about the different techniques for creating different types of blocks. I loved hand piecing for the precision it generates (never, ever lost any points, every block was exactly 12.5 inches every time!), and I loved machine piecing for the speed, and the rotary cutter friendliness of the pieces that got sewn together.

Something I hated? Log cabin blocks! I thought they were so ugly, so old fashioned. I wouldn't make one, or if I had to I modified it so it didn't look like a log cabin. And therein lies my current obsession: Log cabin blocks! It started with my Broken Umbrella quilt, and now I've realized how very versatile this block is, and I can't stop thinking about how I can use them!

Anyway, I've been making versions of log cabin blocks for my southwest inspired quilt top. They all start with a 1.5" square and I add on 1.5" strips. The blocks finish at 9" square. Here's some of what I've been working on:

Log Cabin Obsession
Mixing up the colors changes the feel of these blocks

Log Cabin Obsession
Example of how *I think* the two rows will be laid out. 

Now all I need to do is create a couple of smaller filler rows, and I'm done!

Linking up to WiP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced. 


  1. I had to check the broken umbrella quilt! OH My it is beautiful, cannot wait to see this one finished!

  2. Terrific! The colors are outstanding and really make the blocks sing. I'm sure it will be a spectacular quilt.

  3. Fabulous color combo and so much fun. Funny how we gravitate to things we thought we hated until we changed our attitude - good lesson to keep and an open mind.

  4. I love log cabin blocks as well, so welcome over to the dark side! :)

  5. very cute, I love log cabin blocks, they are so fun to use and easy to make

  6. Same thing happened with me and flying geese now I love them! Can't wait to see your modern spin on this old block

  7. Lovely ... your blocks remind me of what sounds would 'look like' coming out of speakers. Love the blue :)

  8. I like the turquiose and black together.

  9. I made a log cabin quilt in 2004 for my son and haven't made one since. I remember it as being prettier than it actually is. :) One day I may try another in more modern prints/colors. Can't wait to see yours finished.

  10. there are some very interesting log cabins in there. I have never done any/many of them till I made a log cabin Christmas tree quilt which I really enjoyed making. Funny how things we avoid can end up taking over our lives

  11. I love yours! Isn't funny how we can come full quilting in our likes and dislikes?

  12. Ohh, not this is pretty! Your Broken Umbrella quilt is, also. Log cabins are one of my favortes but I never thought about how it would look in solid modern colors! Can't wait till it's all finished!

  13. Nice. My likes and dislikes are evolving like yours :)

  14. I love the randomness of the colour placement!


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