09 September 2014

Finished Night Music

Night Music in the Desert
Finished Quilt!

Well, I got home from that vacation and just went to town quilting. I am really attempting to minimize my works in progress, so I REALLY wanted to finish this quilt before starting on another...which I already have planned, and am motivated by the imminent due date of my old roommate's baby boy (as long as I get it to her while the baby is under 1 year it still counts, right?). Needless to say, the motivation was there, and I just had to figure out how to quilt it. I decided on a square spiral originating in the center of the quilt. Due to my aversion for marking lines it gets a little squiggly from time to time, and the crispness of the angles is off, but I think it works as a whole. I even used my walking foot guide, so these are the most even lines I've quilted so far!

Night Music in the Desert
Quilt Back

I backed the quilt in two prints I picked up that I felt really went well with the color scheme and feeling of the quilt. The one on the left is Anna Maria Horner and the one on the right is Tula Pink (not solid blue!). I forgot to add a label while I was binding, so I appliqued one on after it was all done. It's in the lower left corner, and is my typical stamped label (no close up - whoops).

Night Music in the Desert
The whole shebang. 

I designed the layout myself, and made it a row quilt. The center is made up of 12 blocks, then on each side there are two rows of 6 log cabin blocks, and the ends are flying geese. My process involved cutting all the strips for the cabins and adding in some red, yellow, and lighter blue strips in each size. As I went along I used the kona jade and black as my base colors and added in other pops randomly. I didn't get to see what it would look like until I put it up on my design wall. Regarding my design wall, I only have one when I've finally bought some batting and am about to piece a quilt top, so they are temporary fixtures in the apartment. I don't usually lay out blocks on the floor, so it's all guesswork until I get to the end. I added in some of my leftover fabrics as spacing between the rows and as a border around the quilt. I also bound the quilt in some of the scraps. I like how the quilt maintains the feeling of colorful chaos, but there are still places where your eye can rest. 

Night Music in the Desert
Quilt and end of summer flowers (not mine, I went to a park on the waterfront).

Now the quilt is resting on the couch under a cat, and I'm all set to start my next project!  


  1. I love how the quilting emphasizes the center blocks, Liz - it turned out so well! Congrats on the finish, and the timing any baby quilt gift shouldn't matter as much as the love and thought you put into it. :)

  2. This looks fantastic! Obviously your all guesswork process works:-)

  3. Fabulous, gorgeous colours and I love your design and quilting - Chris :D

  4. This quilt looks awesome!! So unique! Great job thanks for sharing!

  5. Congrats on a big finish! the quilting really compliments the design and perfect for it!

  6. This is GORGEOUS!!!! I love the slight little variations in color placement, makes it super interesting to look at. :D

  7. Love this quilt and the new look of your blog. You have been busy.

  8. Yay! It looks awesome! Love the straight line quilting, it really compliments your quilt :)

  9. I love this quilt and all the lines on it -- both the shapes from your piecing and your quilting. the square spiral was a perfect choice!!

  10. I love, love, love this quilt. I saw it on Pinterest. Love the pops of yellow and red. Nice.


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