25 January 2015

Long Term Project {Feathered Stars}

I want to try and share more process shots. Often times when I just complete one block I feel like that's not enough to share, and then suddenly I haven't blogged for a month. While blogging is not really something I want to force myself to do, I enjoy the process of reviewing what I've made and sharing it with other people who enjoy the craft. So, with that in mind I'd like to share my new long-term project.

One of my favorite designers is Carolyn Friedlander. I love all her collections, and not only do I love them, but I also use them! Some fabrics/designers I love and might even buy up, but then they languish in my stash. I love that I can both be inspired by her collections and actually use them!

Another thing to note: I am kind of stingy. So, I don't usually buy up whole collections, even when I love all the fabrics. I'm trying to work through what I've got - a real 'waste not, want not' kind of attitude. But with the release of Doe I couldn't resist. And then I also tracked down some Botanics. Welcome to the stash guys!

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Doe FQ bundle and Botanics Jelly Roll. 
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I love how these collections work so well together. 

Most of the prints from Architextures are kind of hard to find these days. I never had a full bundle, but I've got some scraps that I'll be able to incorporate. Incorporate into what? Well, my mom got me the book 'A Flock of Feathered Stars', a while back, so I'm going to make a feathered star sampler. 

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One half of the inspiration.
Very traditional colorways.

I'm going to use the paper pieced patterns from the book to make each of the stars, and then try to have fun with the settings. We'll see how it goes, but I'm looking forward to this long and slow process. I'm not going to set a timeline. I may make a block a week, maybe one a month. I'm anticipating this will take at least a year to finish, and that's fine with me. Sometimes slow sewing is the way to go. 

Round Trip Quilts
Feathered star for my RTQ center piece. 

Here's one I made for a different project. I enjoyed the process, but put the book down. Now I'm looking forward to exploring the stars and see how they and the fabric speak to me.

Linking up with Molli Sparkles Sunday Stash!


  1. Those fabrics are gorgeous and will look so good in the blocks you are planning. I really like your approach to this project and look forward to seeing the progress of the quilt!

  2. I think you are going to have a great time with this project! The stars just really seem to be your style, and the fabrics are wonderful. I look forward to seeing it come together. :)

  3. It will be fun to watch your progress on this one. Your feathered star for the Round Trip Quilts start was gorgeous!

  4. Wow those feathers look complicated! I love the first one you've done - great colour choice on the fabrics. I am slow sewing Denise Schmidt's single girl quilt using AMH and low volume fabrics. Can't wait to see your next block!

  5. This is going to look awesome! I cannot wait to see your progress.

  6. Liz, your first star was simply beautiful! I can't wait to see how the rest turn out!

  7. I love that Doe collection - really really want to go buy some! It's a great choice for your stars - will be following along with interest!

  8. Your first star is beautiful. I look forward to seeing more. :-)


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