07 August 2015

I'm back! Well, kind of...

So, I've returned to the United States after travelling for 2 months, and I've just about completed my move to South Texas. I now live in the Rio Grande Valley, a far cry from Brooklyn, NY, and a great new experience. I'm going to start teaching high school science in a few weeks, so the transition isn't quite complete, but I'm feeling far more settled.

Liberty of London, London, UK
Liberty of London Store

Prague, Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic

Pula, Croatia
Pula, Croatia
Bay of Kotor, Montenegro
Bay of Kotor, Montenegro

Travelling was an amazing experience. I wish I could go back to it. I went all through eastern/central europe and visited 13 countries, then went over to the UK and saw some of Scotland and England, and then I departed from France. Of course, when I stopped in London, I had to buy some liberty. Besides a carpet I bought in Sarajevo, it was my only souvenir!

My liberty souvenirs.
My souvenirs!

I got some scissors from the actual department store in London, and then I bought the fabric from Shaukat and Co., which was cheaper and offered a larger selection than the department store. The kitty paisley is just for me, and the alice in wonderland will be going into a baby quilt for my friend's soon to be born (if not already) baby boy!

I'm living on a citrus grove with grapefruit, avocado, banana, and key lime trees in the backyard. Can't wait for all those things to be in season, though there are enough new things to keep me distracted until they are. I've been slowly getting back into sewing, and I finished up a couple bee blocks this week (one was late, one's actually going to be on time!). I'm not sure what I want to work on yet, though I have some projects I need to work on. I think I'll start with some bitty blocks, and move on from there.

Hive 1, August block
August block - I'm finally going to be on time!
Hive 1, July block
July - better late than never? 

I've been keeping up with most of my old blogs, and I hope to hear from people on here too! Though I won't have as much time to blog as before, I am going to prioritize it, so that I can share my creativity with this great community. My goal is to have at least one post a week - fingers crossed that I can stick to it! 

p.s. my camera got stolen the first day of the trip (sigh), in Prague. All I've been working with for months is my iPod camera, and I'm ready for a new camera. If you've got any suggestions for Canon DSLRs and/or lenses feel free to share them with me!


  1. Welcome back! Looks like you got some awesome traveling done. Good luck in preparing for the start of school, it's aways exciting to meet the new students.

  2. What a great trip, good luck with your new job and settling in in your new home, glad to read your posts again - Chris :D

  3. Glad you had a good time - you've covered a lot of ground! I use a Fuji XE1 with an 18mm lens most of the time now - my canon hasn't seen outside of its bag since the last trip to the beach trying to catch floppy eared basset running about the place! Have fun camera buying - bhphotovideo are worth keeping an eye on!

  4. Welcome back! What a bummer you lost your camera on day 1, but at least that way you didn't lose a bunch of photos (trying to find a bright side, but I still feel like I am failing). Good luck with the transition to teaching. :) I'm really curious about the rug... did you ship it home or travel with it?


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