20 January 2016

WiP Wednesday {Pineapples}

I love finicky, time consuming, old fashioned blocks. Which is funny, because I also love the free-form unpredictable nature of improv blocks. Anyway, I like finding shortcuts to traditional blocks. I'm working on a baby quilt, and I decided that I wanted to start with square-in-square blocks as 'I Spy' type blocks.

Baby Quilt
Some fussy cut centers. 

I took some of my novelty fabrics and added on some of the Melody Miller Apples from her Picnic collection I had on the top of my stash. From there, though, I wasn't sure where to go. I decided I wanted to make pineapple blocks. I didn't want to foundation piece them though! I adapted the tutorial by Crazy Mom Quilts for foundation free pineapple blocks. For mine, the centers ended about 6" square. I added 2.5" strips to the sides, and would trim as needed to get the pineapple growing. 

Baby Quilt
Octopus center.

I sewed for 5 rounds, and they finished about 17" square. Since I didn't do any math before I started I'm not sure if they were supposed to end that size. I know I wasn't being as precise as I could be as I sewed along.

Baby Quilt
Monaluna Llama Love center. 

I used scrappy fabrics for the blocks. I tried to keep it to the more primary colors: yellow, blue, red, grey, alternating with scrappy low volume fabrics. 

Baby Quilt
Melody Miller Mustang, with a little Charley Harper peeking out. 

I liked seeing these grow, but I was over it after I finished 6 blocks. Since these are going towards a baby quilt, I decided to stop for now. 

Baby Quilt
Meow! Cat from Austria. 

I'm almost finished with the next component of the quilt. It was inspired by a relatively recent finish. Can't wait to see how they look together!

Baby Quilt
Monaluna Roost center. 

Linking up to WiP Wednesday with Lee from Freshly Pieced!


  1. Really fun fabrics and you really showed them off well with this idea. Like it lots!

  2. The centers of the blocks are really fun. And 6 17 inch blocks are almost enough for a baby quilt all on their own! :)

  3. These are lovely, the fussy cut centres are perfect for a baby quilt.

  4. very nice. love the center fabrics - how fun! micki@2dogsstudio.us

  5. I love log cabin/pineapple quilts and this is just fantastic.

  6. I love the scrappiness of your pineapple blocks. You always make great fabric choices.


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