01 August 2014

Night Music in the Desert

I got it sewn together! I really, really, really wanted to get this basted before I left, and at the time I'm writing this I still haven't done it, but I'm hoping that I will have by the time you're reading it. Confused?

Desert Music
Night Music...during the day?

I was so happy to finish piecing this. Lots of the blocks are slightly different sizes, owing to my imprecise construction when I started making the quilt. Despite my obsession with getting perfect points I kind of like it the effect of slightly misaligned blocks here, it adds to the vibrant feeling of the quilt top.

Desert Music
Blowing in the wind. 

I was inspired by the Quilts of Gee's Bend, and Aztec and Soutwest tribal designs. I designed the pattern myself, and then planned the main color palate (teal and black with the lighter blue), and got two other colors (yellow and red), which I used as accents. While I was working on the layout my goal was to create subtle color paths with the accent colors, although it was tricky since I hadn't planned the layout prior to making the blocks! I really just focused on making each block, and once they were done I made due with what I had created.

Desert Music
I liked how the shadows from the fire escape played with the quilt here. 

So far it's been a fun project. Now I've just got to quilt it up. Eek? Any suggestions? I'm limited to walking foot designs (which doesn't mean straight, I just can't freemotion - both due to lack of skill and limited sewing machine capabilities).

 photo NightMusicBack_zps422f907e.jpg
Tula on the Left, Anna Maria on the right. 

The back is from Anna Marie Horner's hand drawn garden collection, with a great Tula Pink print to make up the rest of the width. It's going to be pretty simple, and the colors will complement the front nicely.

Desert Music
One last shot. Looking long and lean!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great name for the quilt! How big did the top finish out? How about for the quilting a series of vertical lines in the middle panels, horizontal lines in the next 2 rows out, and then < > lines from the center of the final row out?

  2. Wow! It looks awesome! Yvonne's quilting suggestion sounds like a good one to me. Whatever you go with, have fun!

  3. That's impressive. Especially because you designed it yourself. Well done. It certainly does look Aztec to me. Sorry I don't have any quilting suggestions - I"m in a similar boat with a finished top, but not definite plan about how to quilt it yet.

  4. Beautiful quilt top! I love the design and the pop the teal gives

  5. It really pops! I love it. The pic of it blowing in the wind is gorgeous :)

  6. Gorgeous quilt, and gorgeous photo shoot too. Good luck with that quilting, I wouldn't have a clue how to do it justice either!

  7. I keep meaning to use these ideas, but here's a post I found which has different quilting ideas with a walking foot, including making designs look like some you can FMQ! : http://blog.petitdesignco.com/2012/10/31-days-of-walking-foot-quilting.html

    I love the shot of the quilt blowing in the wind!

  8. This turned out great! Enjoy the trip.

  9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this quilt! i just showed my boyfriend and he is very impressed as well! will you be sharing the pattern you've created?

  10. Can you tell me where I can get this pattern. "Night Music in the Desert".

  11. I just sent a post and didn't tick notify me. Sorry

  12. Did himself ever get this pattern? I would love it.

  13. Do you still have the pattern I would to get it


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