06 August 2014

The Bride of Frankensten

I made another Wiksten Tank. This one was by far my worst garment attempt. For some reason that I do not understand (because I am a garment dummy!) the voile sewed up much smaller than the rayon. I'm thinking it has something to do with the drape and stretch in the fabric?

Anyway, I thought I was going to hulk my way out of it the top (no pictures of that), so I had to cut off my first armhole facing and make a second attempt. With the second one I also ended up cutting notches in the seam allowance to provide a little more flexibility once the facing was completed.

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Bye bye armhole!

Upon refinishing the armholes it fit a little better. I mean, I don't think I'm going to rip the shirt if I move anymore. Alas, I guess this pattern just isn't quite for me. Except I just got a serger, so I'm going to try to make it in a knit. Perhaps then all my woes will be forgotten!

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Um, smile? 

Here I am pulling the top down to try to get a better fit! Um...I'm also wearing the top over a dress that I pulled down to turn into a skirt. But I'm sure that's not one of the problems...

I don't think the pattern is bad, per say, I just don't think it suits my body type. Luckily I was smart about cutting up my voile, so I have a bit left to play with. Otherwise I'd be pretty bummed!

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Not so bad in silhouette? 
The shirt just makes me look far more pear shaped than I do in real life. And I'm not saying that's a bad body shape, I'm just saying it's not mine, and I'd rather look like myself!

Fingers crossed that things look better in knit! Any sewing disasters you'd like to share to make me feel better?


  1. At least you're trying! Clothes making scares me too much! :D

  2. I am with Jo; sewing non-quilting things seems quite scary to me. Especially if others find out... I get enough requests to hem and fix clothing as it is, and it is easy to turn down by saying I only sew straight lines for quilting projects. :)

  3. Good for you for making it! I'd say try and find someone that's done a FBA for this top and it'll fit better

  4. Wow! I couldn't even attempt to make a top, especially using fabric that's so different from quilting cotton. :) Good job!

  5. I think it looks great! If it makes you feel better, I simply don't sew clothes because I'm too chicken. Lucky for me, my mum is the seamstress type so she'll make what I ask. :-) BTW, I have a white cat too. Only she has a bit of black on her too. She looks like she sat in a puddle of black paint & swished her tail around. :D

  6. I hate it when things don't turn out quite how you think they will. I'm sorry you had a hard time with this one. I love the wiksten tank but I've only made it in heavier cottons. I do have the pieces cut for one out of the same fabric you used here. I find the voile hard to work with so it's just been sitting for a few weeks.

    Clothing is so tough because fits can be subtlety different. And making it is so frustrating when it isn't what you imagined it to be.


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