29 January 2016

Free Motion Friday {Numero Tres}

I was hoping this would be a finish it up Friday post, but alas, I've had a busy week. I'm frantically trying to finish two grants for some school equipment, and have been working on that during the evenings, rather than sewing. I have noticed a change in my mood without a little creative time every day, and I can't wait to be back to sewing next week!

Free motion on an actual QUILT!
So much textureeee! Carolyn Friedlander backing in Weave in Yarrow

I've been plugging away at my figure 8s. I don't know how you tell time when you're quilting, but I measure it in episodes of This American Life. So far, I'm three episodes in. I'll admit that the quilting is taking a little longer than I thought, but I am enjoying it. Sometimes my curves are nice and smooth, other times their wonky. Sometimes my stitches are the 'perfect' length, sometimes they're too short or too long. But, as I sit back and stroke the resulting texture I realize that it's just not that noticeable. And then I mark another line and keep practicing. 

Free motion on an actual QUILT!
Almost 1/4 of the way done at this point. 

The one thing I will note: I don't like using painters tape. It never sticks enough, and then I sew over an edge by accident and it gets all jacked up. What do you like using to mark lines (if anything)? 


  1. I love how this is looking, Liz! I tend to mark with Mark-B-Gone, a water soluble marker. But for fabric where that doesn't show, I do use painter's tape. I've been thinking of asking for a Hera marker for my birthday.

  2. I always use a frixon pen. Like a regular pen but with heat it disappears after you've finished quilting. Works really well for me. I do have a new Hera marker though that I will try at some point. Would be better for darker fabrics where the pen doesn't show up.

  3. Great figure 8's, they are giving a really nice texture to the quilt. I use one of those purple pens for marking and use the piecing seam lines whenever possible.


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