10 February 2016

WiP Wednesday

Even though Freshly Pieced is taking a WiP Wednesday hiatus, I figured I will use it to keep motivating me. At least, I'll try. It always depends on how much sewing time I have, and lately I haven't had much. I did make these bitty bear paws though.

Bear Paws In Progress
Stack of Paws

I like bear paw blocks, and I found that these were quick to put together - once I learned the secret to half-square triangle blocks. I always make them 2 at a time, but that always entails a lot of trimming. My quarter-inch seam is not perfect, mostly because I don't have a quarter-inch foot. Then I read instead of drawing a single line and sewing a quarter inch away, draw two lines one quarter inch away from the center line and sew along that. WHAT?!?! 

Bear Paws In Progress
Drawn lines for sewing along. 

Oh my gosh. Eight perfect HSTs. All I had to do was trim the dog ears. It made my bear paws finish so much quicker! In no time, I had a stack!

Bear Paws In Progress
So many paws!

One set of triangles makes two paws, and if you can make two identical or mirror image bear paws. I will admit, I thought I could use fabric that I don't love so much because I love the block itself. It didn't work out quite the way I wanted, but as these are part of a bigger scrap quilt, I think that it will all work itself out. 

Bear Paws In Progress
2 mirror images. 4 footies!

Linking up this week to Lets Bee Social with Lorna. 


  1. That is a fantastic way to keep HST seams straight; there are rulers out there that are 1/2" wide with a line down the middle to help you make the lines quickly, too. For small HSTs, I guide my points of the HST squares on the 1/4 inch line and have found that to be really fast and accurate, too.

  2. Thanks for the hst tip! I may just try that. Those blocks are cute.

  3. I have that crazy bunny suit fabric in a different colourway. I love your little bitty blocks.

  4. Those blocks are too cute and I am looking forward to seeing what you turn them into!

  5. Tell me more about this HST method!


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